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Two Cancun beaches awarded Clean and Sustainable

Cancun, Q.R. — Two beaches in Cancun have been recognized by el Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación for being clean and sustainable beach areas.

Playa Delfines and Playa Cancún were awarded certificates of Clean and Sustainable Beaches during an event in Mexico City. Certificates of compliance were given to those who met the NMX-AA-120-SCFI-2016 Standard for Beach Quality and Sustainability around the country.

“With a lot of pride, they awarded the municipality of Benito Juárez the certificates of Clean and Sustainable Beach for Playa Delfines and Playa Cancún.

“It is important to mention that Playa Cancún is the extension of beach that runs from Playa Marlin to Playa Ballenas, from Km. 13.5 to 14.5 along Kukulcán Boulevard and received an additional recognition for being the beach with the largest extension in recreational use under the Mexican norm 120,” said Vagner Elbiorn Vega, director of the Federal Terrestrial Maritime Zone (ZOFEMAT).

Playa Delfines and Playa Cancún are two of the city’s most popular public beach areas, hosting millions of visitors each year.