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Puerto Morelos to begin sea turtle monitoring for first arrivals

Puerto Morelos, Q.R. — Biologist Verónica Juárez says the municipality of Puerto Morelos is ready for the 2021 sea turtle season. Juárez, who is in charge of the Protection of Sea Turtles Program, says that the municipal government, along with other institutions, will promote awareness campaigns to protect the species.

“With the aim of preserving our natural environment and participating directly in the conservation of endangered species, Puerto Morelos has developed a program that includes, as priority, activities to promote the awareness and sensitization of the different social sectors related to the issue,” she said.

She noted that last year, Puerto Morelos counted more than 4,200 nests. For this reason, there will be an increase in beach survillance this year starting during the month of April. She says the daytime tours will be increased in order to register the first arrival of turtles to the municipality.

“When we detect the first arrival, the daytime tours will be carried out daily and the night tours twice a week along the 17.7 kilometers of the Tortuguero camp, including part of the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone of the National Park polygon, as well as the area to the south called Punta Brava,” she explained.

Juárez added that the surveillance tours are “to discourage the looting of eggs, adult turtles and hatchlings as well as to report any damage caused to the species and their habitat.”