Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — A crew from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) began a project that will see the installation of a new transformer for the island. CFE began the work Friday morning.
Personnel from the Comisión Federal de Electricidad explained that the team arrived on Isla Mujeres a couple of days ago, but it wasn’t until Friday that forklifts and cranes were brought in to move the new 20 ton transformer. The work has seen the temporary closure of some island roadways.
The federal company said that with the increased demand for electricity on the island, due to the growing population and number of businesses, providing a steady source electricity has been a challenge.
CFE says the installation will take several days, while they work on placement and the eventual connection process. Once complete, the new transformer, with a capacity of 10 Mega Volts Amperes (MVA), will replace the current 3 MVA transformer.