Cancun, Q.R. — Tourists and residents at one of Cancun’s busy beaches gathered to watch as Mexico’s marines performed land and sea exercises. The exercises were part of an Operation at Sea task the Navy performs to safeguard the coastal municipalities.

Beachgoers at Cancun’s busy Playa Gaviota Azul watched as the marines practiced their operational tasks on the sand as well as in the water. The camouflagued men and woman performed a mock assault on the coast at Playa Gaviota Azul aboard light aquatic units equipped with high-powered automatic rifles on Wednesday.

The exercises are part of their Coast Guard functions which were carried out in public to make people aware of the capabilities and attributions of the Mexican Navy. The operation will run until December 29 on Playa Gaviota Azul then move to Isla Mujeres Playa Centro on December 30.