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Eight missing divers found off Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — After almost five hours of lost contact, eight divers were found after being reported missing while diving in a reef area near Isla Mujeres.

The call for help came around 11:00 a.m. to the regional port captain when the boat, Pelagic, lost contact with its divers. Authorities alerted local boats to keep their eyes open for the group of divers. Several vessels including Caribbean Star Gavilán, Duve de Nef, Enki II, Alma Luisa and Kukulcán left Cancun in search of them.

The Mexican navy had two helicopters and a small plane, as well as several boats combing the area, however, several hours after the alert, the boat Alias Geron located the divers around 4:00 p.m. They were transferred in apparent good health to Isla Mujeres for a medical evaluation by paramedics from the Fifth Military Naval Region.