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Charges brought against 11 Cancun law officials in November demonstration

Cancun, Q.R. — Charges have been brought against 11 Cancun law officials for their involvement in a public demonstration in November. In a press release, FGE head Óscar Montes de Oca Rosales said the officicls have been charged with injuries, theft and abuse of authority.

The charges stem from the November 9 public demonstration in Cancun where dozens gathered at city hall demanding justice for the recent murder of a young woman. During the demonstration, police used live bullets to disperse protesters. Ten people were listed as injured, including two journalists who were covering the event. Both were hit by flying bullets.

Those two journalists, along with eight protesters, are part of the open case file regarding the 11 Cancun officials. Óscar Montes de Oca Rosales said their investigation has revealed that at least 78 municipal police officers participated. Their responsibilities, he noted, was the protection and containment of the city hall facilities.

He detailed that all 10 victims were interviewed and have been granted protection. All 78 police officers were also interviewed and that 89 expert reports from various specialties were made, adding that 60 firearms were reviewed and that specialists are continuing with the analysis of the weapons.

In addition, he said a breakdown was sent to the Special Prosecutor’s Office for crimes committed against Freedom of Expression, another to the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Crimes Against Sexual Freedom and the Free Development of the Personality of the FGE Quintana Roo, regarding probable events related to sexual crimes during the November 9 event. The National and State Commission for Human Rights has also intervened.

The FGE reported that up until now, nine municipal police officers have been found guilty of failing to comply with their duty of care by not safeguarding the integrity and rights of people, which was their responsibility in terms of the Public Safety Law of the State of Quintana Roo.

They put those attending the demonstration at risk by allowing personnel under their command to bring firearms to the scene of the event, not avoiding the illicit use of force by using firearms in an unnecessary and unjustified manner, contravening the National Law on the Use of Public Force.

They also failed to order the arrest of those elements of the police who operated their firearms, against those now injured.

Óscar Montes de Oca Rosales added that an accusation will also be made against the same commanders for allowing the scene of the events to be altered and evidence to be destroyed, hidden and lost.

The FGE has brought criminal action against 11 public servants, including nine commanders and two police elements who, at the time of the event, held the position of Secretary, Undersecretary, Director, three coordinators, three supervisors and two elements, all of them from the Municipal Public Security Secretary in Benito Juárez.

He noted that in coming days, an initial hearing will be held to formulate the corresponding complaint and the imposition of precautionary measures while the investigation continues.