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Cancun police officer suspended after vehicle stop turns into roadside brawl

Cancun, Q.R. — A Cancun police officer has been temporarily suspended while he is investigated for abuse of authority. On Friday morning, the Secretaría Municipal de Seguridad Ciudadana y Tránsito de Benito Juárez (SMSCyT) reported on the suspension after the review of a public video.

The unidentified Cancun officer was suspended after a vehicle stop Thursday night turned into a roadside brawl. The officer stopped a driver who was found to be drinking and under the influence while behind the wheel.

The unnamed driver refused to provide the officer with his documents, however, a breathalyzer was administered and the driver found to be four times over the legal limit.

While arrangements were being made to tow the vehicle, the drunk driver physically challenged the police officer, shoving him backward at which point the Cancun police officer threw a punch.

The two men were captured on security camera in a physical altercation in the busy roadway median.

On Friday morning, the SMSCyT reported on the incident.

“The Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security and Traffic of Benito Juárez (SMSCyT)
reports that in relation to the video disseminated through social networks in which an agent from the Transit Directorate is observed carrying out acts contrary to institutional guidelines, the agent has has been removed from his position.

“The case, with file number SMSPT/DAI/116/05/2024, was immediately transferred to the Internal Affairs Directorate to carry out the corresponding investigation for its proper clarification.

“The events took place on the night of Thursday, May 2, when a blue Jetta vehicle was traveling on Xcaret Avenue and La Costa Avenue. When interviewing the driver, the presence of intoxicating beverages was detected inside the vehicle and documents were requested, which the driver refused to provide.

“Given this refusal, a breathalyzer test was carried out which gave a result of 0.150% milligrams per liter, that is, four times more than the legal limit of alcohol allowed, leading to the issuance of an infraction ticket.

“During the process to immobilize the vehicle, the driver verbally and physically attacked the officer. In response to this attack, the officer reacted inappropriately, while other colleagues intervened to restrain the driver and secure the vehicle. The driver is reported to be in perfect health.

“The Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit reaffirms his commitment to serve and protect in strict accordance with the law and respect for human rights.”