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Cancun chamber of restaurants join battle to challenge new anti-smoking laws

Cancun, Q.R. — A total of 40 eateries in Cancun have joined a legal battle to have the new anti-smoking laws changed. On Friday, the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Food Industry (Canirac) in Cancun presented the first 20 appeals against the new law.

Julio Villarreal Zapata, President of the Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Restaurantes y Alimentos Condimentados (Canirac) Cancun, said that next week, they will present another 20 “so as not to have a legal setback” before the February 24 deadline.

He said they believe the ruling will end up in their favor, which will allow their restaurant patrons to decide whether or not to smoke. He said that only 40 will join the appeal, but that other chambers and hotel groups will also be appealing the new anti-smoking law.

Villarreal Zapata added that other cases around the country have been granted the right to allow patrons to decide their smoking preference.

On January 16, a new General Law for Tobacco Control was put into effect which prohibits smoking in all public open and closed spaces including beaches.