Cozumel, Q.R. — An aircraft from Cozumel that flew into Venezuelan airspace has been destroyed. The plane was burned after being declared unauthorized and “hostile”.
The incident happened June 20 after the Venezuelan Integral Aerospace Defense System activated an alert due to the detection of intruder aircraft.
The Sabreliner (SBR1) light aircraft was reportadly flying Cozumel to Curaçao Island when, according to their systen, the plane disappeared from vector trace radars 25 nautical miles from the mandatory reporting point.
According to General Domingo Hernández Lárez, Comandante of la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) de Venezuela, an aerial intersection with the FANB combat means was ordered in response to the threat of intrusion into national territory after the aircraft was declared “hostile”.
General Hernández Lárez reported that authorities determined the plane “was being used by groups that generate violence for the cross-border crime of drug trafficking, transfer of irregular elements and weapons.
“At 23:40 HLV, the FANB air resources, once the corresponding procedure was completed, carried out the legal intervention and effective immobilization of the aircraft.”
In a report, General Domingo Hernández Lárez explained “At night, the Venezuelan Integral Aerospace Defense System activates a general alert due to the detection of intruder aircraft in flagrant violation of airspace.
“The Sabreliner (SBR1) type light aircraft, registration XBRAD, was moving en route Mexico (Cozumel) – Curaçao Island, disappearing from vector trace radars 25 nautical miles from the mandatory reporting point, having turned off the transponder and radio for its diversion to Venezuelan territory.
“FANB activates the defense plan in accordance with the current search and location procedures for the entire national territory with emphasis on the border limits of the Apure-Colombia border geodesic line, where due to the geographical conformation, flat terrain prevails that can be used for its firmness and support as clandestine tracks by the TANCOL groups, for this reason and in accordance with the national security and defense plans and motivated by said ALERT.
“According to the information collected, the position of the track was detected at the coordinates 06°16 ’49”N / 069°18’35”W Pedro Camejo municipality in Apure state and in view of this situation an aerial intersection with the FANB combat means was ordered in response to the threat of intrusion into national territory generated.
“Achieving the sighting of an unauthorized twin-turbine aircraft at coordinates 06°19’26”N / 069°13’07”W (AP-34), in the Pedro Camejo municipality in Apure state, said aircraft was declared “HOSTILE” in accordance with the provisions of article “3” numeral “1” of the Control Law for the Comprehensive Defense of the Airspace of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for lacking a flight plan, not having been authorized by the transit service units aircraft to operate in that area and it is presumed that it was being used by groups that generate violence for the cross-border crime of drug trafficking, transfer of irregular elements and weapons.
“At 23:40 HLV, the FANB air resources, once the corresponding procedure was completed, carried out the legal intervention and effective IMMOBILIZATION of the aircraft.
“Venezuela is a territory of peace and we will not allow invading foreign groups to alter the internal order of the Homeland or violate national sovereignty.”
Mexico has not made any public comment on the incident.