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720 kilos of cocaine seized off Chiapas coast

Puerto Chiapas, Chiapas — The Navy of Mexico says they have seized a total of 720 kilos of cocaine along with boats off the coast of Chiapas.

In two separate seizures, personnel of the Navy of Mexico have seized drugs and vessels as well as the arrest of six for illegally transporting drugs.

Both seizures took place off the coast of Chiapas by personnel located in the Fourteenth Naval Zone headquartered in Puerto Chiapas, Chiapas. In a press release, the Navy of Mexico reports the first operation took place during an air patrol when two boats were seen.

The two small vessels were spotted by naval elements aboard a Panther helicopter. After locating and boarding the boats, three packages with an approximate weight of 90 kilograms of cocaine were seized as well as the detention of six crew members.

The second operation also happened during a maritime and air surveillance patrol when, 99 nautical miles (183 kilometers) to the southwest of Puerto Chiapas, naval elements managed to recover 24 packages of cocaine floating in the sea. That find added up to 636 kilograms of cocaine.