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Playa del Carmen offenders repay debt with public beach cleaning

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — Ten offenders found guilty of misdemeanors opted to clean sargassum as part of a repayment to society program. The supervised group were at Fundadores Park Friday pick-forking sargassum.

A police officer oversaw the operation that allowed the group to repay their debt with a public service. According to the SSC (Seguridad Ciudadana Solidaridad), the men were arrested for administrative offenses such as urinating in public and disturbing public order.

Due to their low level crimes, they were allowed to participate in the New National Model of Police and Civic Justice, a program between the Secretariat of Municipal Citizen Security and the Secretariat of Civic Justice.

The young men spent a day in the sun shoveling washed up seaweed from a central Playa del Carmen beach.

“Ten people who were arrested for various administrative offenses such as urinating in public and disturbing public order, carried out work in favor of the community by cleaning beaches in Fundadores Park.

“This is part of the New National Model of Police and Civic Justice focused on solving problems through joint work between the Secretariat of Municipal Citizen Security and the Secretariat of Civic Justice,” the Seguridad Ciudadana Solidaridad said.