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More accidents recorded on empty Cancun city streets

Cancun, Q.R. — Vehicle crashes continue in Cancun even though city streets are virtually void of traffic.

On Friday, police responded to the call of a small Chevy car that crashed head on into a palm tree, knocking it over. The driver lost control of his unit who left the roadway, drove up over the sidewalk and smashed into the base of the palm.

The accident happened at 5:30 p.m. at kilometer 9 in front of the Cancun Convention Centre when the 36-year-old private security guard was on his way to work. He was not injured.

Another collision between a private car and a tow truck was recorded by Cancun city police after the pair managed to collide at a Chichén Itzá intersection.

The impact sent the flatbed, which was hauling a vehicle, into a tree, smashing in the front of the truck. There were no reported injuries.