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Mayor of Playa del Carmen stresses no single command, but instead, National Guard

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — The mayor of Solidaridad says that while it’s her administration, there will be no single command, but instead, the National Guard.

Municipal president Laura Beristáin says that during her administration, there will be no single command, but instead, the National Guard will operate. At a local level, she said there are reservations about the conditions being used to start the single command since they are trying to implement a strategy that failed in the State of Morelos.

She explained that not being part of the single command is based on Article 115, seventh section of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and 157 of the Political Constitution of the Free and Sovereign State of Quintana Roo, in correlation with Article 90 fraction XXI, 91 first section of the Law of the Municipalities of the State of Quintana Roo, where it is specified that “the municipal preventive police and traffic are under the command of the municipal president of Solidaridad.”

Therefore, she said, it is not the responsibility of the executive power or the Congress of Quintana Roo or the Solidaridad Council regarding the modification of the command of the Municipal Preventive Police and Traffic.

She explained that from January 8 to 12, the Political Conciliation Board of the Congress of the Union held 10 public hearings to analyze the ruling on constitutional reform in the matter of National Guard.

“For its operation, the premise of respect for the control of conventionality, dictated by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, must prevail.”

In Solidaridad, she said, the local police will be strengthened and the National Guard will be established with civilian and non-military leadership and the competences of the government orders regarding public security will be respected.

Beristáin added that as a result of the public hearings on the National Guard, it is her commitment to work in coordination with the state and federal governments to guarantee the safety of the families, always with respect, order, autonomy and a coordinated work in accordance with the law.