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Lightning strike kills engine: Cozumel tourist vessel with 13 on board rescued by Navy

Cozumel, Q.R. — A Cozumel tourist fishing boat hit by lightning Friday afternoon required assistance from the Navy. More than a dozen people were onboard the vessel when it was struck by a bolt of lightning that left its engine dead.

The incident happened during the Friday afternoon thunderstorm that passed over the state, soaking a majority of the northern areas. Cozumel vessel Sea Rose was deep sea fishing near Palanacar Jardines with 13 on board when it was hit.

In a statement, the Secretariat of the Navy reported personnel from the Ninth Naval Region and the Fifteenth Naval Zone locating the boat and rescuing those on board.

On Friday, “support was provided to 13 people who were aboard a vessel, which was struck by lightning near Palancar Jardines beach in Cozumel, Quintana Roo.

“This action was carried out when the Command and Control Room of the Fifteenth Naval Zone received a report of a vessel named “Sea Rose” with 13 people on board, which had faults in its propulsion system, having been struck by lightning, located one nautical mile from Palancar Jardines beach in Cozumel, Quintana Roo.

“A Defender-type vessel and an Interceptor Patrol belonging to the Naval Station for Search, Rescue and Maritime Surveillance (ENSAR) of Cozumel and the Fifteenth Naval Zone, respectively, were ordered to set sail immediately.

“They sighted the aforementioned vessel with the crew in good health, proceeding to sail in convoy to a safe port in Cozumel.”