Merida, Yucatan — Four police officers will be held in preventative detention for their alleged participation in the death of a detained man. The four officers identified only as R.C.B., G.R.S., J.R.B.C. and S.I.R.M., were arrested on charges of qualified homicide after the death of a man on November 3 in the town of Chicxulub.
The now deceased, 31-year-old S.O.L.M., was taken into custody by then Yucatan state policemen after a highway check stop revealed he was carrying two doses of what appeared to be cocaine.
During his detainment, police requested an ambulance saying that the arrested man had fainted. However, after an internal investigation, an autopsy established the man died from physical violence, mechanical asphyxia due to strangulation.
Arrest warrants were issued for the four officers.