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El Salvador man accused of Cancun murder also wanted on homicide and firearm charges in home country

Cancun, Q.R. — An El Salvador man has been arrested in Cancun for the murder of a city resident. On December 1, Óscar Noel “N” is alleged to have hit a man on the head with a hammer.

The man died several days later in hospital.

On Wednesday, the State Attorney General (FGE) reported on the official arrest and murder charges laid against Óscar Noel “N” in the death of the unidentified Cancun man.

According to the FGE, Óscar Noel “N” is also wanted in his native country of El Salvador for homiciaide and possession of a firearm.

“Due to his probable relationship in the commission of acts that could constitute the crime of qualified homicide, to the detriment of a victim whose identity is withheld, the State Attorney General’s Office officially charged Óscar Noel “N”, originally from El Salvador, a country where he is wanted for homicide and carrying a firearm.

“The events that Óscar Noel “N” are accused of occurred on December 1 of the current year, when he allegedly showed up at a truck parking lot located in the Alfredo V. Bonfil delegation outside the city of Cancun, where the victim was located, and hit him on the head with a hammer,” the FGE reported.

The attacked man was taken to hospital still alive, but lost his life after several days. The FGE did not provide details surrounding the hammer attack or who the victim was to the accused.