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Chief admits million peso reward not helpful in locating man or missing Isla Mujeres girl

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — The one million peso reward offered for information leading to the whereabouts of a man suspected of the kidnapping of a 12 year old Isla Mujeres girl has not helped.

Lucio Hernández Gutiérrez, the Secretary of State Public Security, said the reward has not helped them locate the man believed responsible for the disappearance of Fernanda N, a young girl who has been missing from her Isla Mujeres mainland home since July 21.

Hernández Gutiérrez says the man they are looking for, the man believed responsible for her disappearance, will eventually get tired of hiding and will come out from wherever he is.

He said they had hoped that the one million peso reward would help locate Marco Antonio Cahuich Adrián, the alleged kidnapper, but it has not.

“We thought that the reward was going to solve this circumstance immediately, but it has not been like that. What it means is that he has hidden well in the face of his relatives or other people who could locate him because otherwise, we would have had at least a little information,” he said.

More than eight searches have been conducted for the girl since her July disappearance. Hernández Gutiérrez gave recognition to those who have volunteered their time as well as the varying police corporations and members of the National Guard, the Army and the Navy who still hope to find the girl alive.