Cancun, Q.R. — Emergency corps and Cancun firefighter units responded to the scene after the report of a car explosion at a gas station in Region 99.
The 7:00 p.m. fire and subsequent explosion occurred at a La Gas station along López Portillo Avenue. The driver, 20-year-old Rafael N, said he pulled up to the gas pump when he noticed smoke coming out of his vehicle. Gas station staff attempted to suffocate the developing flames with fire extinguishers, however, it was of little use.
Flames began rising from the underside of the vehicle, and within moments, an explosion occurred, causing a tremendous roar that caused those nearby to flee.
Flames from the car were suffocated by firefighters. Once extinguished, the car was taken to the corral for the demarcation of responsibilities. There was no major damage reported to the gas station.