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Cancun bank robber captured thanks to city surveillance

Cancun, Q.R. — A man reported for stealing a backpack of cash from a bank parking lot has been arrested. The man, identified as Miguel “N”, was taken into custody from his vehicle Friday after being located by city surveillance.

The victim of the Friday morning bank parking lot robbery in Puerto Cancun was able to provide police with a description of the man and his vehicle. On Friday afternoon, the vehicle described used in the robbery was located on city streets by C5 surveillance.

Police and navy personnel located the red Hyundai involved in the theft of cash in the Puerto Cancun plaza and arrested the driver who was found in possession of bags of cash and cheques.

According to the FGE, the victim had arrived at the bank to make a business deposit when he was robbed. “He was approached by a subject who apparently threatened him with a firearm to snatch the backpack in which he had the money,” police reported in an official statement.

“Upon locating the car, the inspection was carried out where the driver was found with a dark bag with cash as well as a folder with various bank checks of different denominations, one for 61,055 pesos and another for the amount of 40,500 pesos, as well as various bills of denomination of 500 pesos and 1,000 pesos making a total of 735,000 pesos.”

Police seized the money and the vehicle during the arrest of Miguel “N”.