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21-year veteran of Cancun Fire Department dies of heart attack

Cancun, Q.R. — A member of the Cancun Fire Department died of a heart attack, clarified the agency, after some media reports claim he died of coronavirus.

Cancun Fire Director Thomás Hurtado Morris made the clarification saying that 21-year-veteran Andrés Martínez Balam, died Saturday morning of a heart attack. He said Martínez Balam worked shifts of 24-hours on and 48 hours off and died in the community of in Lázaro Cárdenas where he lived.

He called it “lack of professionalism” for those who reported that he died coronavirus when a call to the corporation or the family of the deceased could have clarified facts.

Hurtado Morris noted that Martínez Balam was 41 years old and passed away at home 9:51 a.m. Saturday.