Tulum, Q.R. — The Government of Mexico has published the decree that establishes the Management Program of the Tulum National Park. The decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) earlier this week and comes more than 40 years after the creation of the park.
The decree contains the fundamental rules of operation determined by the Ministry of Environment Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) for the Tulum National Park that will govern the more than 664 hectares.
According to Semarnat, the document was prepared by the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp) based on the environmental diversity that exists in the park.
The main purpose of is to have a governing planning and regulation instrument that establishes the activities, actions and basic guidelines for the administration of the Protected Natural Area.
The decree also confirms that the reserve is located in a region endangered by disorderly tourism, which has increasingly developed in recent decades, and that little by little, is reducing the natural coastal portions by converting them into accommodation and overnight sites.
Therefore, it is important to maintain one of the few natural terrestrial strongholds in the region that shares the surface that was decreed as an Archaeological Monuments Zone, the area known as Tulum-Tancah.
The general objective of the program is “to constitute the governing planning and regulation instrument that establishes the activities, actions and basic guidelines for the management and administration of the ANP with the category of Tulum National Park, which is poured into specific objectives of protection, management, restoration, knowledge, culture and management of the area,” part of the decree reads.