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New arrest warrants issued against former governor Borge

Chetumal, Q.R. — The Office of the Special Prosecutor for Corruption took a major step in the open investigation against former Governor Roberto Borge Angulo in the VIP-Saesa case, after a federal judge decided to dismiss two Amparo trials after verifying the falsification of signatures on the Federal Justice Protection application.

Consequently, the federal judge instructed the Special Prosecutor’s Office to call the former governor to appear through new arrest warrants that will see him pay back economic damages caused to the state of Quintana Roo.

Anticorruption prosecutor, Rosaura Villanueva Arzápalo, confirmed that they will follow the procedure until they reach a conviction and reparation for the damage caused to the state.

The anti-corruption prosecutor also has opened the possibility of investigations against the lawyers of the former governor for lying to federal authorities. At the hearing in the Fifth District Court, the falsification of documents were declared as founded by the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

According to the federal judge, the signature on the Amparo lawsuit is not that of the complainant Roberto Borge, although his name appears in the initial brief, as well as in the respective section.