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Mother Nature gets a much needed break: Sea turtle activities in Akumal temporarily suspended

Akumal, Q.R. — Authorities have announced that swimming with sea turtles in Akumal Bay is currently on pause. The temporary suspension in activities allows marine flora and fauna to have the necessary space for their development.

The month-long pause during September is part of the Akumal Bay Management Plan in coordination with the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp) and the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

Sea turtle tours, including swimming and snorkeling activities, are suspended to give Mother Nature a breather from visitors. It is an annual break issued by the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) and the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) since 2017.

The more than 30 tourist service providers in and around the Akumal area are coordinated with the Harbor Master’s Office to not carry out sea turtle activities during that time. Instead of sea turtles, visitors to Akumal, which is located between Tulum and Playa del Carmen, can participate in sport fishing, snorkeling in the Yal Kú and Media Luna lagoons and cenote tours.

Visitors to Akumal during the month of September can also opt for cultural excursions, kayak tours and walks along the beach.

September is considered the most important month for sea turtle reproduction. Photo: Conanp

In 2017, the Government of Mexico began the temporary suspension of swimming and free diving (snorkeling) with sea turtles in Akumal Bay. According to the National Commission for Protected Natural Areas, the site is of utmost importance for the nesting and spawning of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta).

The northern area of this bay is home to a permanent congregation of sea turtles that feed on seagrass and use the entire refuge area for courtship and mating during the months of May to October. However, it is the month of September that is considered one of the most important for the reproduction of the green turtle.