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Letters to the Editor: Negative US media keeping guests in All-Inclusives

Dear Editor,

I am in the travel industry in Las Vegas Nevada USA and was in Cancun last month, the first week of December and I have to agree with the letter about the All Inclusive’s in Cancun.

Here in Vegas, I have seen many local restaurants fail because they cannot compete with the Hotel Casinos.

I also dined at Lorenzillo’s, and the food, the service and the atmosphere are fantastic. The bad part was it was not even a quarter full. Establishments such as these, in the hotel zone as well as downtown, should be promoted to the tourists. We also dined at Bandoneon and it was only a quarter full.

There are many “hidden gems” in Cancun. We dined at many mom and pops establishments as well.

Unfortunately, the US media does not help matters with all the negative stories about crime and violence in Mexico and they tell travelers to stay in the resorts for their own safety.

Travelers in the US frequently express their concerns to me about their safety while in in Mexico.

There is much more crime here in Vegas than what I have seen in Cancun reported by Riviera Maya News. I feel safer in Cancun than here in Las Vegas and had no hesitation touring the town.

The people of Cancun are great to be around and should be very proud of their city. They are warm and welcoming and make me feel like I belong there. I can’t wait to go back.

Jon Harrison
Las Vegas, NV