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Letters to the Editor: Gas station scams in Tulum

Hi, I think this is great that you have allowed this function (letters to the editor). I wanted to bring to your attention the gas station scam that is still going on in Tulum.

I have been coming here for extended stays for over 4 years and every year I rent a car for some or all of my stay.

The scam is when you pay for your gas (most say they only take cash) the gas attendant tells you that you gave them a 50 instead of a 500 , or a 20 instead of 200. They do the quick switch in their pocket/or hand and show you a 50 or 20, scamming you out of 500 or 200 pesos that you already gave them.

This has happened to me more than once and only the first time they got away with it. I was distracted by others in the vehicle so was not 100 % sure so gave the guy another 500.

It has been tried on me at least 4 times since. So I count the money inside the car, in my hands and confirm with the attendant that is the correct amount before handing him/her the cash.

The other day I walked to the gas station/ convenience store and as I was walking in the exact same thing was going on , a gas attendant was trying to extort more money out of a customer. I stopped and said to her do not pay him anything more it’s a scam , the gas attendant immediately pulled out the 500 from his pocket and said he made a mistake and she did not owe anymore money. She said the last time she got gas the same thing happened.

I just wanted people to be aware of this scam as like I said it has been tried on me many times.

Larry J, Tulum