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Green Angles report being busy around Quintana Roo first half of holidays

Riviera Maya, Q.R. — Green Angles of Quintana Roo have reported providing road assistance to 230 motorists during the first half of the Easter holidays. Eduardo García Valdelamar who heads the Quintana Roo Ángeles Verdes (Green Angles) said they have been busy.

A majority of those assisted have been tourists in the state’s southern zone, he said.

“During the last few days there was a peak in services, the services provided from the 22nd to the 31st are around 230 to vehicles,” he said.

García Valdelamar mentioned that they had a lot of service requests in Tulum, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Chetumal and Cozumel where, due to the high demand, relief services were triggered.

He said that while requests have been lower in the north, they do monitor the highway routes from Cancun to Merida and have provided a few service requests to stranded visitors.

García Valdelamar reported the three main reasons for Ángeles Verdes (Green Angle) service assistance requests are due to tire failures, overheating engines and running out of gas.