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Eight arrest warrants issued in INM facility fire

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua — The head of the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, has reported that so far, eight people have been identified involved in the INM facility tragedy.

Icela Rodríguez says that two federal agents, a migration agent and five private security guards are believed responsible.

In a press conference from the National Palace, the Secretary of Security assured that after the death of the migrants, a serious investigation is being carried out to avoid impunity.

“We will carry out a serious and professional investigation to get to the truth of the case so that there is no impunity. The facts will not be hidden nor will anyone be protected and the violators of human rights will be punished,” she said.

Sara Irene Herrerías Guerra, the head of the Specialized Prosecutor for Human Rights, reported that as of Thursday, all eight have outstanding arrest warrants.

Herrerías added that the investigation includes charges of homicide, injury and damage to property. She added that as the investigation progresses, other possible charges such as abuse of authority or ill-treatment will probably be included.

Rodríguez pointed out that the National Migration Institute will be in charge of repatriating the bodies of the migrants who died in the fire.

“The INM will be in charge of the return of the bodies of the migrants, as well as the mobility of the relatives so that they can move with the bodies.”

She said that 27 remain in hospitals and that their status’ range from critical to serious.