Chetumal, Q.R. — A Chetumal rescue unit from the fire department was sent to a storm drain in the Marsella neighborhood in search of a dead crocodile. A security guard who happened by the drain from a shift noticed the crocodile below.
Young firemen were sent to confirm the 9-1-1 report and remove the reptile from the city drain. Three people were sent to deal with the decomposing body of the medium sized croc.
The reptile was lifted from the street drain and disposed of in a large plastic bag. It is believed it entered the city’s open sewer line by mistake and became trapped.
Over the weekend, a large crocodile was removed from outside a Cozumel restaurant after being reported sleeping on a city street. Cozumel firemen were also sent to that scene to tackle and tie the reptile for relocation. Crocodiles are a commonly seen wildlife across the state.