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City of Cancun shuts down mall pay parking machines for a second time

Cancun, Q.R. — A company who continued to charge for parking after paying a fine has been closed down for a second time. Personnel from the Cancun City Council were at the Plaza Las Americas parkade where they proceeded to close the automated pay machines.

The machines were shut down because the company who owns them does not have city authorization to charge for parking. Their authorization was reversed earlier this week after a plethora of ongoing complaints combined with a lack of operating license resulted in a 60,000 peso fine.

The company who owns the pay parking machines, Ranver, paid the fine then reinstalled the charges to park at the mall. However, Antonio Riveroll Ribbón, Cancun City Hall General Secretary, said they have not been granted authorization to reactive their operation.

The company was reported to the City of Cancun for constant machine failures and not being responsible for damage or theft to vehicles, among others. On Wednesday, Riveroll Ribbón said the company was fined more than 60,000 pesos for charging without an operating license and had since paid the fine.

The company was reported Thursday morning for charging mall shoppers to park. Photo: May 30, 2024.

However paying the fine does not mean that the company can charge for parking again since it still has to present the plan to improve the service to the municipal government.

On Thursday morning, Cancun mall shoppers reported the company to the .city for charging for parking.

On Thursday afternoon, city personnel shut down the pay machines for a second time this week. Photo: May 30, 2024.

Personnel from the city arrived Thursday afternoon to force the opening of the pluma so vehicles can enter and exit the mall parking area freely.

“As long as they do not guarantee good service through improvement in the operational part, the charge for the parking service in Plaza Las Americas will continue to be free,” he commented.