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Unruly Cancun Hotel Zone guests being investigated after claims of abuse

Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun police say they are investigating a report of abuse against hotel guests who were arrested inside a Cancun hotel. The incident happened over the weekend inside a RIU in the Cancun Hotel Zone.

The three hotels guests were secured by private security and held for municipal police for alleged aggressive behavior. The Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security (SMSCyT) of Cancun says they are investigating the allegations.

“The Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit (SMSCyT) of Benito Juárez reports on the events and is gathering all the information regarding the incident that occurred in a lodging center and that has been disseminated on social networks,” they said in a statement Wednesday.

Hotel staff requested support from police after the family of three were displaying inappropriate and aggressive behavior in the pool area. All three were secured with plastic handcuffs and sat along an exterior wall for police. The woman involved, Noemí “M”, has since released a video claiming hotel abuse, however, the hotel also has a video of the arrests and says hotel staff are considering filing their own charges for assault.

After the allegations of abuse, the RIU hotel issued a statement saying “our staff is committed to safeguarding the integrity and well-being of all our clients and collaborators.

“For this reason, our staff repeatedly reminded those involved that they must follow the established rules to guarantee a safe experience for everyone, rules that are clearly displayed on the hotel’s signage. Specifically, it is forbidden to jump into the pool, as its height is 50 cm. These instructions were not heeded and they were kindly asked to leave the pool.

“Once they had left the pool, the guests attacked several RIU employees. Following our security protocols, we decided to call the authorities so that they could support us by removing them from the hotel, since under no circumstances will we tolerate attacks against other guests or employees who are ensuring the safety of all our guests.

“Everything was recorded by our security cameras and the videos will be presented as evidence to the authorities investigating what happened. In fact, the employees who were beaten are considering filing a complaint for assault against the guests and relying on these security camera images as evidence.

“At RIU we reiterate our commitment to the well-being, safety and integrity of all our guests and collaborators, in addition to our commitment to work hand in hand with the relevant authorities in everything necessary for the investigation that is being carried out.”