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Three girls under the age of 9 rescued alone from Rio Grande

Rio Grande, Coahuila — An INM agent in the state of Coahuila rescued three young girls from the Rio Grande. Their rescue was videoed Wednesday as they were plucked out of mangrove grass and boarded onto a waiting vehicle.

The girls, all sisters, are aged nine, six and 18 months and are originally from El Salvador. They were found alone.

The Beta Piedras Negras Group of the National Institute of Migration (INM) in the state of Coahuila rescued them Wednesday from on an islet in the Rio Grande after being alerted by the National Guard.

According to the INM, they were provided with life jackets, transferred to a waiting vehicle and their state of health verified.

They have been placed under the guardianship of the local System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family (DIF) for their attention and care.

The INM did not say if the girls will be allowed to stay in Mexico, nor did they have information on the whereabouts of their parents.