Cancun, Q.R. — The Secretary of Education for Quintana Roo (SEQ) says security cameras will be installed in Cancun schools where robberies and vandalism have been detected. Ana Isabel Vásquez Jiménez, head of SEQ said the installation of the equipment will be done within the framework of the Safe School program, in coordination with the Ministry of Public Security (SSP).
She said that a call has also been made to the school community to form safety committees to carry out surveillance in educational facilities. Together with these committees, the SSP will install cameras and alarms in some institutions that present the greatest risk or vulnerability of being robbed.
She said to date, 12 alarms have been placed in schools. The agencies involved are working on increasing those numbers, possibly by the end of the year.
“We need a hundred more by the end of the year. We are defining where the cameras and alarms should be. It depends on where the school is located, if it is located in a commercial area, a camera is more convenient as part of the business issue, but if it is in a residential area, an alarm should be used because those who activate it will be neighbors,” she said.
The secretary explained that it is a gradual process since there is still no money for it, but stressed that it has been included in the 2022 budget.
Vásquez Jiménez explained that the most affected schools are centrally located in Cancun, “and as there are no neighbors, but shops, they take advantage of the nights and weekends.”
Over the last 12 months, more than 480 schools have been vandalized, seven of which averaged 200,000 peso each for repairs.