Cancun, Q.R. — A one million peso reward is being offered for information that leads to the arrest of Héctor Elías Flores Aceves. The Quintana Roo State Attorney General’s Office announced the reward “made to the person or persons who provide information related to the investigations for the location, detention or apprehension of Héctor Elías Flores Aceves.”
The reward money is being offered through the Quintana Roo State Government Secretariat (SEGOB QRoo). Héctor Elías Flores Aceves, who, according to authorities also goes by el 15, el rey, el secre, and/or el pantera, is presumed to be one of the main generators of violence in Quintana Roo.
According to a statement released by the State Attorney General, Héctor Elías Flores Aceves “is related to at least four homicides and the commission of other crimes in the municipality of Benito Juárez.”