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Chetumal man who climbed tower to avoid arrest taken into police custody

Chetumal, Q.R. — A man who climbed a CFE tower to avoid being arrested has been arrested. José “N” kept emergency services busy for nearly 24 hours after he climbed a Chetumal Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) tower to avoid arrest.

The man made the 30 meter climb in a desperate attempt to get away from a security guard who caught him stealing material. The incident happened shortly after 4:00 p.m. Saturday on Avenida Aarón Merino when an on-duty security guard saw him taking equipment.

The man made his escape up the tower from where he threatened to jump. Due to the instability of the tower, emergency personnel were unable to climb to where he was. Mattresses were placed around the base of the tower in the event he fell.

José “N” refused to come down for more than 20 hours. Emergency personnel were finally able to coax him down around 1:30 Sunday afternoon. After around 21 hours, he finally climbed down and was met by paramedics who treated him for hydration.

The man, identified as 30 year old José “N”, has since been taken into police custody.