Mexico City, Mexico — A Mexican man has been extradited to Illinois for homicide, robbery and concealment. According to state information by the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (FGR), Odilón “V” was handed over to U. S. authorities for transfer to Madison Country, Illinois.
“On August 5, 2014, U.S. law enforcement authorities found human remains inside an abandoned vehicle in Madison County, Illinois. The investigation revealed the identity of the victim and that he had died from stab wounds to the torso. The owner of the car was Odilón “V”, who was the last person who was with the deceased and later fled to Mexico,” the FGR reported.
The Government of Mexico granted the extradition of the defendant to the Government of the United States after Odilón “V” was arrested in April 2021 in Temixco, Morelos.
The fugitive was handed over at the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) to the designated U.S. agents for his final transfer.