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Letters to the Editor: Tulum price gouges too!

Good morning,

As a previous reader commented on the disturbing practices of the Cancun taxi drivers, the same can be said of Tulum’s taxis. However, their fares are even more outrageous than Cancun’s. The region as a whole needs a mechanism on place to control the exorbitant price gouging.

Whole that in and of itself is a major issue, what may be more disturbing is beach access. By Federal law, access is not to be blocked, nor are any beaches private. That does not seem to stop hotels along the Tulum stretch from blocking access to not only tourist’s, but residents and locals as well.

This needs to stop. To further make matters worse, there is a stretch along what people call the north end which is accessed thru what is now known as Parque del Jaguar. Any tourist that just wants to enjoy the more quiet  beach zone has to fork over $355 pesos!  

U.S. residents pay $105. And this is to government agencies. How is allowed beach access to be open to all. Local families can not afford this. There is a concession if they have an INE (voter registration card).

It’s become just one big money grab after another in all aspects. Word is getting out and people are choosing other locations to spend their money. This region is in no way tourist friendly.


Bob T