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Helicopter added to 9 vessels and 33 personnel in search of missing Holbox fishermen

Holbox, Q.R. — State officials have stepped up search efforts for two missing Holbox fishermen. A helicopter was added to efforts Thursday in search of the men while Marina personnel continue to search by sea.

In a breif notice Thursday, the SSC of Quintana Roo (Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana de Q.Roo) said “the State Coordination of Civil Protection of Quintana Roo in coordination with Municipal Civil Protection and the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Quintana Roo are in an intense search operation by air, where they are also accompanied by a fisherman. In this sense, the Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR) is reinforcing actions by sea.”

State Civil Protection (Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil QRoo) also posted information regarding the ongoing search.

“The search for fishermen in Chiquilá intensifies. Civil Protection of Quintana Roo reports that the search and rescue work for lost fishermen in the community of Chiquilá is intensifying in coordination with SEMAR, the SSC and Municipal Civil Protection.

“In addition to the aircraft used to search for them by sky, nine vessels with 33 elements from different state authorities join the operation and all the necessary technology is used to locate the fishermen on the high seas.”

The two lost Holbox fishermen left the Port of Chiquila February 9 aboard vessel Ruth Selene in search of sawfish with a scheduled return date for February 11. After days of failed private searches, their families requested help from the state.