Cancun, Q.R. — Starting Monday, Quintana Roo will revert back to an orange epidemiological light, which will mean a reduction of some business occupation levels and restrictions for citizens. During the Ciudadana Connection program, governor Carlos Joaquin said that for the upcoming week, restrictive measures will be implemented to put a brake on the spread of the virus.
He noted that officials will be paying special attention to transportation, conducting more tests, monitoring meetings and strengthening health programs. He said the government will facilitate vaccination schedules, increase the number of coronavirus tests in priority areas, and that employers must apply tests their workers.
“If there is no need to leave the house, do not do it, and also refrain from participating in parties, events and massive acts,” he said adding that the state will again install sanitary filters and restrict mobility.
“If it is necessary to reduce mobility in cities, we will do it, but the will and participation of all is also required. Any setback in the measures and responsibility to take care of ourselves will cause infections to go up with more hospital occupation and that would get us into trouble,” he added.
The governor stressed that stronger measures must be taken in Cancun and Chetumal, which are the cities most affecting the epidemiological light in the north and south of the state.
On Thursday, Carlos Joaquin announced that the entire state of Quintana Roo had been set back to an orange epidemiological light for the upcoming week of May 3 to 9 due to a sharp increase in recorded infections.