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State of Quintana Roo regresses back to orange epidemiological light

Riviera Maya, Q.R. — As of May 3, the state of Quintana Roo will roll back to an orange epidemiological light. The announcement was made Thursday evening by state governor Carlos Joaquin who reported lax health measures as the reason.

“The relaxation in the application of the protocols, the excess of confidence and the lack of habits as well as the contagion figures,” will see both the north and south regress to orange.

In his address, Joaquin said that “the emergency has not ended and that the conditions of the pandemic are certainly not the same,” adding that “today we know more, we know how to adapt, but yet, we see examples such as in India where there was an exponential increase in the number of cases because mass events were allowed.”

The regress back to orange could mean a lessened occupancy rate for businesses including hotels, which over the recent Easter holidays, had seen rates in excess of 60 percent.

“Let’s not lower our guard. Returning the state to orange puts us once again in a predicament in terms of economic development,” he said.

For the last week of April, the governor had announced the state as remaining yellow, even though the federal government had rolled Quintana Roo back to orange. For the upcoming week of May 3, Carlos Joaquin has now also made that same announcement after several public warnings were issued.