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First stage of security camera installation begins for Puerto Morelos

Puerto Morelos, Q.R. — Public security cameras are being installed around key areas of Puerto Morelos. Mayor Laura Fernández Piña says they are in the beginning stages of installing the cameras, which will bring the town up-to-date in terms of modern technology and public security.

The initial installation of the video surveillance cameras will be at four intersections of avenidas José María Morelos with Niños Héroes, José María Morelos with Rojo Gómez, Rafael E. Melgar with Tulum and Francisco Villa with Andrés Quintana Roo.

“As part of the actions to strengthen security, we began the installation of a video surveillance network that, in its first stage, will be four monitoring points, that is, four posts that will house a total of 19 cameras,” explained Fernández Piña.

She added that in time, the entire municipality will be outfitted with the modern technology. She said the first four is the first step of an investment plan in this area that begins in the Old Town, then will expand to colonies in the municipal seat and later, to the rest of the municipality.

“This effort, in which its own resources are exerted, is aligned with the projects and vision of public security in the administration of the state governor Carlos Joaquín González, and with the strategies of the Secretary of Public Security of Quintana Roo under the Unified Command, a coordinated effort in favor of the people of Puerto Morelos,” she added.

The mayor emphasized that the intelligent security system will be a criminal deterrence and will allow the immediate reaction of the police to an incident, as well as the recording of images as support for the clarification of criminal acts.

The Secretary of Public Safety and Traffic, Gumercindo Jiménez Cuervo, explained that in this phase, there will be four towers, each one with three or four fixed cameras depending on the need, plus a rotating camera with monitoring and optical zoom to provide a 360 degree view.

He said that this stage of the surveillance installation is a cost of around 2.5 million peso, which will include the acquisition of the cameras, the instrumentation of the network, the adaptation of the monitoring center in the Public Security building where there will be a server for the storage of images and the video screen installation, which will also be linked to the Control, Command, Communications and Computing Center (C-5).

“The work that the Quintana Roo Police of Puerto Morelos has been doing, under the Single Command, has been fundamental to reduce and keep crime rates low in such a way that this incorporation of technology places us at the forefront, and allows us to continue innovating to strengthen the security of citizens and their families,” he added.