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Chetumal high school student under fire for selling explicit AI photos of classmates

Chetumal, Q.R. — A young Chetumal high school student has been suspended after releasing sexually altered photos of classmates. The social media photos, which are sexual in nature, are reported to have been altered with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

The AI photos (deepfakes) of classmates were reportedly sold online by the student who is a minor. Parents who became aware of the situation protested outside the school Tuesday after teachers, who were informed of the situation the week before, failed to notify authorities.

However, after the protest, state officials were made aware of the AI altered photos of students taken from their social media accounts by a male Chetumal student. The young man alleged responsible has been suspended.

The Fiscalía General del Estado (FGE) did make a brief statement Wednesday saying “the FGE of Quintana Roo reports the beginning of an investigation related to an alleged case of child pornography in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco.

“This autonomous body, through the Special Prosecutor’s Office for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by Adolescents, works in coordination with the authorities of the educational sector and victim care, applying the corresponding protocols.

“It should be noted that in this event, the State Attorney General’s Office is comprehensively investigating the alleged aggressor as well as the application of the action protocols of the campus and the teaching staff for the demarcation of responsibilities arising from the investigations.”

The school where the alleged aggressor was a student, Colegio de Bachilleres Quintana Roo, released its own statement.

“The Management of the Quintana Roo High School College (Cobaqroo) informs that derived from the complaint made due to an accusation of child pornography against students by a colleague from the same school in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, on April 17, 2024, Cobaqroo activated the Protocol for the Prevention, Attention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment, which in this case was suspending the indicated student as a measure to protect the victims.

“It is important to note that Cobaqroo’s essential commitment is to the protection and safeguarding of the rights of the young people of its student community. Likewise, it is working in a coordinated manner with the State Attorney General’s Office, providing full collaboration to clarify the facts and reiterates its commitment and willingness with the corresponding authorities to put a stop to this type of behavior that is unacceptable for the institution.”