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15 million invested to modernize Chetumal highway security

Chetumal, Q.R. — The State Government has announced a historic investment of 15 million pesos into Chetumal highway security. The city’s southern security arch has been modernized to detect stolen or illegal activity vehicles.

The Secretary of Citizen Security head Rear Admiral Julio César Gómez Torres says the modernization includes separate entry and exit lanes and five inspection bays. It also includes modernized technology with 17 video surveillance cameras with analytical capacity for facial recognition, vehicle search by color and brand and plate and chip detection from the Public Vehicle Registry.

He says the security arch was modernized for the protection and safety of people as well as to prevent criminal activities and detect stolen vehicles or vehicles involved in illegal acts.

“When a suspicious vehicle is verified, an alert is issued that can be transmitted by radio and shared with nearby police units located by GPS,” explained Secretary Gómez Torres.

He added that this technology can be integrated into the C5 permanent monitoring network, particularly the C5 Chetumal regional subcenter, to react quickly to any incident.

Governor Mara Lezama reported that more than 15 million pesos was invested for this modernization, of which 13 million was contributed by the Ministry of Public Works and two million by the SSC.