Holbox, Q.R. — Chiquilá city council says that work being done along the avenue of the port of Chiquilá is nearly half complete. Diego Caamal May, the Director of Public Works of the Lázaro Cárdenas City Council says that the modernization of the access road to Holbox is expected to be finished by the end of January.
At the same time, he said that as part of the modernization of Chiquilá, in joint work with the state government, the city council will build more than four kilometers of streets lateral to the main avenue.
The projects at hand include the modernization of the main avenue that acts as an access road to the island of Holbox as well as the paving of surrounding streets. He explained that there is no set budget for the projects, since city council is buying the material as needed from its own resources.
He says the modernization of the port area will provide visitors with a better image since it is the gateway to the island of Holbox. May also noted that for years, residents have requested updates to the roads since they are in terrible condition and prone to flooding.