Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — Police in Playa del Carmen captured three armed out-of-state men from a residential area after a citizen report. The report came from the city’s Los Pájaros neighborhood late Saturday.
According to the Seguridad Ciudadana Solidaridad (SSC), the arrests were made after a 9-1-1 report of three armed men circulating in a vehicle. Officers located the Toyota Hillux which they said, sped up at the sight of police.
Police continued to follow the vehicle and eventually caught up with it. When “approaching the car, the police observed what appeared to be a gun and a cannon,” inside, the SSC said in a statement.
During a security inspection, police located two long firearms and 24 useful cartridges. From the vehicle, they also took 25-year-old Vicente “N” and 18-year-old Eliseo “N”, both from Chiapas, into custody along with 35-year-old Aroldo “N” from Tabasco.