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State taxi drivers now have to register with Imoveqroo

Riviera Maya, Q.R. — More than 17,000 taxi drivers across the state now have to register with Instituto de Movilidad del Estado de Quintana Roo (Imoveqroo) to work. The move was put into force Thursday with the state agency announcing that all taxi drivers must register with the Mobility Institute.

Specifically, all taxi drivers in Quintana Roo must register with the State Registry of Taxi Operators of the Mobility Institute of the State of Quintana Roo (Imoveqroo). The registration process has been set up to help prevent the infiltration of crime.

The call, published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF), indicates that every two months, the taxi drivers’ unions must report any change in ranks, including discharges, in order to have the register kept updated.

The registry of taxi drivers will also serve to determine concessions. The document details that the registry will also work to verify the seniority of taxi operators, providing evidence that allows them to exercise the right of preference of concession holders, however, the main purpose for the registry is crime and security.

Information from the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), obtained through Transparency, indicates that in the last two years, 471 taxi operators have been involved in high-impact crimes that have included executions, assaults, drug dealing and rape.

In another 221, the main suspect of a criminal act was a taxi driver, but because thier personal data was not available or he was not registered with his union, it was not possible for authorities to find the suspect.

According to the Conflict Secretariat of the Cancun Taxi Drivers Union Andrés Quintana Roo, at least 5 percent of the 17,000 taxi operators that circulate are not registered with either a union or with the Institute.

The head of Imoveqroo, Jorge Pérez Pérez, has pointed out that the lack of a state registry of taxi drivers has made it difficult to combat crime that has infiltrated the public transport service.