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SSPC clarifies there are no missing tourists in Tulum

Tulum, Q.R. — A young Chilean man, the latest reported as missing in Tulum, has been located dead in hospital. The 29 year old visitor died of cardiac arrest Tuesday. Captain José Roberto Rodríguez Bautista, the Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) of Tulum, confirmed the young man’s natural death.

Capitán José Roberto Rodríguez Bautista, Secretario de Seguridad Pública y Protección Ciudadana of Tulum

The confirmation was made Wednesday in response to recent media reports of several missing people in Tulum. Rodríguez Bautista clarified that there are no missing tourists in the municipality.

One woman, 27 year old Canadian Evelyn “N”, was reunited with her friends after a ‘mishap’ during the recent electronic music festival. Friends reported her missing to local authorities, however, she was located and returned to her travel party.

German citizen, Nika “N” accidentally activated the SOS emergency system on her phone. Local authorities went to investigate the alert, however, the German Consulate confirmed the mistake and that the young woman was in contact with her family.

Chilean citizen Daniela “N” was reported missing but located at a local hospital recovering from an arm injury. Her father traveled from Chile to be with her. She has already been discharged.

According to Rodríguez Bautista, the 29 year old Chilean visitor who was reported as missing was located deceased in a local hospital. He died of cardiorespiratory arrest. Rodríguez Bautista says they are currently working with the Consulate to have his body returned to his country.