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Self-defense: Cancun restaurant workers arrested after assailant dies released

Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun authorities have released three people who were arrested after their assailant died during a robbery. A man, who entered the restaurant where they worked, died after the workers fought back.

According to Cancun police, five men entered the taco eatery around 2:00 a.m. January 16 with the intention of robbing it. One of the men threatened customers and, with three others, robbed them of their personal belongings.

Two others pushed the three staff members into the back where they demanded the employees hand over the day’s cash. While in the back, the employees fought their attackers, stabbing two of the assailants, one of whom later died.

The three employees were arrested.

On Sunday, the State Attorney General reported that after an investigation, all four were released since it was determined the restaurant workers acted in self-defense.

“The State Attorney General’s Office reports that after criminal and field investigations, as well as a legal autopsy, it was determined that the homicide that occurred during a violent robbery in an establishment in SM 516, in the early morning of January 16, was in self-defense,” the agency reported.

The detainees have been released. “The people who were released are Francisco “N”, Alfonso “N” and José Manuel “N”. The fourth detainee, identified as Alexi Adrián “N”, is one of the alleged assailants who remains hospitalized due to the injuries received,” they said.

“The three employees were released since the corresponding investigations determined that they acted in self-defense. On the other hand, investigations will continue to establish responsibility of Alexis Adrián “N” and to find the whereabouts of the other accomplices for the violent robbery,” Cancun police said.