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Puerto Morelos to begin 3 million in main dock remodel

Puerto Morelos, Q.R. — The current administration of Puerto Morelos has begun the process to have legal authority over its main dock. While the legalities move forward, authorities presented the 3 million peso rehabilitation project of the Puerto Morelos fishing pier.

Over the weekend, the municipality was presented with a Destination Agreement, which will allow the municipality to start the work project. Puerto Morelos Mayor Blanca Merari Tziu, accompanied by Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa, said the Agreement was granted with intervention of the state and federal governments.

“Today is a historic day because with the timely support and intervention of the Governor and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Federation extended to us the document Destination Agreement in Favor of Puerto Morelos.

“The document is related to the area of 2178.6 m2 of the Federal Maritime-Terrestrial Zone which allows us to advance on the project that users of this pier have demanded for years,” she said in a statement.

According to Merari Tziu, the pier will receive a municipal investment of 3 million pesos from of the Environmental Sanitation Law of Puerto Morelos.

“The Destination Agreement, I want to share with you, not only confers rights for the municipality, but also obligations.

“One of them is to continue on the legal route that allows us the long-awaited remodeling project of our dock, which will not only represents a physical improvement in the local infrastructure, but also an opportunity to strengthen the identity, commercial and fishing activity, as well as the tourist potential of Puerto Morelos,” she said.

The main dock is currently 70 meters long and used by more than 550 people per day. The remodel will see the dock extended to 113 meters in length.

Rolando Melo Novelo, the Municipal Secretary of Urban Development and Ecology, said the goal is to make repairs that have been standing since the 2020 hurricanes.

“The goal of this project is to improve the pier that had remained standing in the face of hurricanes and storms since 2020, when Hurricane Zeta caused damage.

“Then, it measured 70.6 meters long, but due to the increase in the number of operations caused by the growing commercial and tourist demand, it is intended to extend its length by 43.2 meters more, that is, we will have a 113.8 meter long dock with a walkway of 4.20 meters wide,” he explained.