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Poachers arrested and gear seized by feds during Isla Mujeres sea patrol

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — Federal inspectors arrested two and seized their gear after they were caught fishing illegally. The two men were located in waters off Isla Blanca in the municipality of Isla Mujeres Tuesday morning.

On Wednesday, the Secretary of the Navy reported on the arrests after finding the two poachers.

Personnel from the Ninth Naval Region reported that “personnel from the Secretaría de Marina worked in conjunction with the National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission (Conapesca) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in an event that led to the precautionary retention of a boat and fishing gear in the vicinity of Isla Blanca.”

The arrests were made when personnel from the Marina and the Comisión Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca (Conapesca) were carrying out surveillance patrols in the vicinity of Isla Blanca.

During a patrol, “they observed an IMEMSA type vessel without a name or registration with two crew members on board who were carrying out fishing activities.

“Upon carrying out an inspection of the vessel, they realized that the crew members did not have any documentation to support their fishing activities, so Conapesca proceeded with the precautionary detention of the vessel.”

On it, federal inspectors found 400 meters of gill net, six pairs of fins, four scopes, four rod spell hooks, a harpoon and a refrigerator used as a cooler, as well as 30 pieces of boquinete and chac-chí fish weighing approximately 40 kilograms.

Due to the find, the two poachers along with their boat, fishing product and fishing gear were transferred to Puerto Juárez to be placed at the disposal of the corresponding authorities.

Last week, federal inspectors seized over 1,100 kilos of illegal fish product from an Isla Mujeres restaurant. During the Thursday seizure, federal officials confiscated a total of 1,160 kilos of illegally captured seafood they found in the restaurant freezer.