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Out of control truck mows down elderly Cancun pedestrian

Cancun, Q.R. — Medical personnel were unable to do anything for an elderly man that was run over by an out of control truck Monday. Police and an ambulance were at the scene of the fatal pedestrian accident in SM 236 of Cancun in response to several 9-1-1 calls.

The accident happened around 8:00 a.m. at an intersection of Tulum Avenue when the driver of a red Nissan truck allegedly lost control of his vehicle. Witnesses reported the driver was speeding when he arrived at the intersection, hitting the pedestrian in the street then driving over a sidewalk into a small business parking lot.

The smashed up truck finally came to a rest outside a pharmacy where Transit Police arrived to a mass of busted concrete and knocked out power boxes. Behind the truck was the deceased elderly man. He died in the middle of the street after being mowed down by the truck.

The driver of the Nissan was reportedly on his way to set up at a local flea market at the time of the accident.